Asra x Katya





Son ‘Sara’ 1st National Ace GMD KBDB Yr 2016

DIRECT SON OF ‘SARA’, 1. NAT. ACEBIRD KBDB AT DANIËLS Bred from grandson of ‘Rudy’       28. Nat. Zone Argenton – 5,134 birds       4. Argenton – 407 birds … 8. Tours – 162 birds       18. prov. Argenton – 2,401 birds       19. prov. Bourges – 1,279 birds       76. prov. Tours – 2,791 birds ‘Rudy’ is (g.)father of       1. Nat. acebird long distance yearlings KBDB 2013 (‘Super Romeo’)       1. Nat. Tulle – 5,731 birds & fastest of 11,707 birds (‘New Bliksem’)       1. Nat. Limoges YL - 6,275 birds 2015 (‘Prince Rudy’ - Gino Clicque)       1. Nat. Brive YL - 5,925 birds 2016 (‘Blauwen Brive’ - Frederik Everaert)       1. Nat. ace GMD KBDB YB 2015 (‘Super Ricka’ - Jespers-VDWegen)       1. TT Nanteuil YB - 7,791 birds (‘From Brother New Bliksem’ - M. Linsen) Bred from ‘Sara’ Willy Daniëls       1. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2016       1. best yearling Belgium on 7 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2016       1. Nat. Zone / 2. Nat. Argenton - 12,449 birds 2016       1. Nat. Zone / 5. Nat. Issoudun - 11,984 birds 2015       28. Nat. Bourges - 19,889 birds 2016       32. Nat. Chateauroux - 18,363 birds 2016       45. Nat. Argenton - 18,363 birds 2016       Also 29.-53. Nat. Zone & 119.-119. National ‘Sara’ is full sister to ‘Nadine’ Daniëls       1. Nat. acebird great middle distance YL KBDB 2017       1. best YL racer Belgium on Nat. races 3 & 5 prizes PIPA Ranking 2017       1. I.prov. & 1. fastest Vierzon 13,031 birds       3. Nat. Argenton - 22,712 birds       8. Nat. Chateauroux - 4,389 birds       14. Nat. Zone Chateauroux - 8,584 birds       61. Nat. Zone Argenton - 3,677 birds       67. Nat. La Souterraine - 16,613 birds       Also 120.-207. Nat. winner       Sold for 400,000 Euro

‘Katya’  Full Sister ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ Willy Daniëls

‘Katya'  Full sisterr ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ Willy Daniëls ‘Nadine’ is winner of       1. Nat. acebird great middle distance YL KBDB 2017       1. best YL racer Belgium on Nat. races 3 & 5 prizes PIPA Ranking 2017       1. I.prov. & 1. fastest Vierzon 13,031 birds       3. Nat. Argenton - 22,712 birds       8. Nat. Chateauroux - 4,389 birds       14. Nat. Zone Chateauroux - 8,584 birds       61. Nat. Zone Argenton - 3,677 birds       67. Nat. La Souterraine - 16,613 birds       Also 120.-207. Nat. winner       Sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever ‘Sara’ is winner of       1. Nat. acebird heavy middle distance KBDB 2016       1. best yearling Belgium on 7 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2016       1. Nat. Zone / 2. Nat. Argenton - 12,449 birds 2016       1. Nat. Zone / 5. Nat. Issoudun - 11,984 birds 2015       28. Nat. Bourges - 19,889 birds 2016       32. Nat. Chateauroux - 18,363 birds 2016       45. Nat. Argenton - 18,363 birds 2016       Also 29.-53. Nat. Zone & 119.-119. National ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ are sister to ‘Aske 2’       1. acebird great middle dist. Union Antwerp 2013 ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ are bred from brother to ‘Nikky’       1. Nat. Chateauroux - 18,604 birds 2015       4. I.prov. Vierzon - 10,480 birds 2014       33. Nat. Bourges - 22,663 birds 2014       51. Nat. Bourges - 15,689 birds 2012       81. Nat. Gueret - 12,592 birds 2013       Also 43.-67.-94.-96.-99. Nat. Zone … also 175.-277.-408.-520.-540.-545. Nat. ‘Nikki’ is full sister to breeder of       - ‘Kaat’ 025/15             1. Nat. Chateauroux YL - 9,540 birds 2016             9. Nat. Argenton YL - 12,449 birds 2016             59. Nat. Chateauroux YB - 10,442 birds 2015             86. Nat. Bourges YL - 19,889 birds 2016             468. Nat. La Souterraine YL - 9,580 birds 2016       - ‘Kayla’ 024/15             2. best yearling Belgium on 7 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2016             10. Nat. Zone Issoudun - 3,582 birds / 77. Nat. 11,984 birds 2015             45. Nat. Bourges - 19,889 birds 2016             Also 65.-68.-84.-183.-261.-430.-455.-604.-698. Nat. (Zone)       - ‘Sister Kaat’ 105/06             1. Souppes - 1,378 birds             19. Nat. Argenton - 19,592 birds 2016             10. I.prov. Vierzon - 3,108 birds 2016             Also 715.-939. National winner ‘Nikki’ is sister to winner of       1. local Argenton - 133 birds / 2. prov. 1,326 birds / 10. Nat. 13,629 birds       32. Nat. Bourges - 19,736 birds ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ are bred from genes of ‘De Zot’       Winner of 14x 1. prize at De Meyer & Son ===================================================================   100% Willy Daniëls Original Willy Daniëls

Price per youngster On Request
