‘Gino Aces 199’

‘Gino Aces 199’


Father is ‘Golden King’, the 1. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2018

Mother is ‘Golden Princess’, the 1. Nat. acebird long dist. YL 2017

– x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x – – x –




Winner of

      1. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2018

      1. best yearling all LD races Belgium PIPA Ranking 2018

      4. Nat. Tulle – 5,326 birds

      5. Nat. Limoges – 7,236 birds

      27. Nat. Jarnac – 4,940 birds

Half brother (same father) to a/o

      – ‘Spiderman’; 5. Nat. Libourne – 5,024 birds / 1. – 235 birds 2015

            33. Nat. Montauban 4,327 birds 2016 … 63. Nat. Jarnac 4,167 birds 2016

            65. Nat. Montluçon YL 19,298 birds 2014 … Local 1.-3.-3.-6.-9.-15. prize

      – ‘Nest sister Spiderman’; Mother to ‘Gabriella’ 1. Nat. Agen YL – 2,932 birds

            In 2019 g.children ‘Gabriella’ won 13.-13.-49.-74.-78.-82.-91. Nat.

            Mother to 1. Nat. acebird allround KBDB 2019

      – ‘784/15’; 40. Nat. Jarnac YL – 3,904 birds 2016

            288. prov. Argenton YL 3,339 birds & 689. Nat. Limoges YL 6,946 birds

      – ‘017/14’; 54. Nat. Bourges 21,522 birds … also 124.-157.-171. Nat. (Zone)

      – ‘126/14’; Winner 166.-244.-678.-761.-768. National 

      – ‘157/16’; 2x top 15 provincial … also 30.-66. Nat. Zone avg. +5,700 birds

      – ‘377/16’; 50. prov. Chateauroux YB – 2,791 birds 2016

Grandson to legendary ‘Piraat’

      3. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2008

      1. prov. Bourges – 2,010 birds / 5. Nat. 19,084 birds

      1. Poitiers – 244 birds / 2. prov. 1,227 birds

      2. Argenton – 515 birds / 47. prov. 2,246 birds

      4. prov. Tours – 3,135 birds

      6. Tours – 469 birds / 49. prov. 2,503 birds

      Also 6.-6.-7. prize

      Super breeding cock Gino Clicque

!! Grandchildren ‘Piraat’ sensational in 2018 !!

      – ‘Golden King’ 598/17 is grandson ‘Piraat’

            1. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2018

            1. best yearling all LD races Belgium PIPA Ranking 2018

            4. Nat. Tulle – 5,326 birds

            5. Nat. Limoges – 7,236 birds

            27. Nat. Jarnac – 4,940 birds

      – ‘New Piraat’ 793/17 is grandson ‘Piraat’

            2. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2018

            2. best yearling all LD races Belgium PIPA Ranking 2018

            3. Nat. Jarnac – 4,940 birds

            15. Nat. Limoges – 7,236 birds

            161. Nat. Angouleme – 5,030 birds

       – ‘Turbo Piraat’ 532/17

            12. Nat. acebird great MD KBDB 2018

            3. best Belgian great MD racer on 3 races PIPA Ranking 2018

            7. Nat. Chateauroux – 13,098 birds

            9. Nat. Gueret – 5,331 birds

            45. Nat. Argenton – 19,859 birds

            Also 18.-25. prov. & 337. Nat. Bourges 19,133 birds

Bred from sister to ‘Devil Prince’

      1. Nat. Montlucon YL – 19,298 birds 2014

      78. prov. Fontenay YL – 5,735 birds 2014

      Sold for 126,000 Euro in auction on PIPA

‘Devil Prince’ is father of 2 National aces

      – ‘Devil 430’; 3. Best Belgian racer 7 great MD races PIPA Ranking 2018

            11. Nat. acebird great MD KBDB 2018 … 17. Nat. Chateauroux 8,640 birds

            27. Nat. Bourges – 20,284 birds … 81. Nat. Gueret – 5,331 birds

            98. Nat. Argenton – 11,923 birds

      – ‘Devil 429’; 13. Nat. acebird great MD KBDB 2018

            23. Nat. Bourges – 20,284 birds … 29. Nat. Chateauroux – 8,640 birds

            6. prov. Bourges – 501 birds … 151. Nat. Argenton – 11,923 birds

            Also winner 16.-18.-40.-49. provincial

‘Devil Prince’ is also father to winners

      8. Nat. Jarnac – 5,117 birds / 3. Nat. Zone 1,342 birds (‘Devil 048’)

      47. Nat. Limoges – 7,274 birds (‘Devil 099’)

      Also 12.-30.-50.-53.-53.-54.-74.-78.-94. prov.

      Also winners 108.-110.-119.-406.-406.-438.-460. Nat.

      4. Clermont – 1,123 birds (‘Devil 043’)

‘Devil Prince’ is g.father to

      1. prov. Argenton – 4,190 birds / 2. Nat. 16,496 birds (‘028/18’)

      1. prov. Chateauroux – 3,608 birds (‘007/19’)

      21. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2018 (‘249/18’)

      4. Nat. Tulle – 7,155 birds (‘029/18’)

      10. Nat. Tulle – 7,155 birds (‘029/18’)

      11. Nat. Tulle – 7,155 birds (‘249/18’)

      13. Nat. Limoges – 10,788 birds (‘004/18’)

      13. Nat. Tulle – 7,155 birds (‘247/18’)

      23. Nat. Souillac – 4,056 birds (‘249/18’)

      49. Nat. Tulle – 7,155 birds (‘150/18’)

      74. Nat. Souillac – 4,056 birds (‘247/18’)

      78. Nat. Limoges – 10,788 birds (‘150/18’)

      82. Nat. Libourne – 4,356 birds (‘150/18’)

      91. Nat. Argenton – 22,826 birds (‘150/18’)

      5. prov. Argenton – 4,198 birds (‘247/18’)

      Also 11.-17.-17.-23.-37. prov.

‘Devil Prince’ is brother to breeder ‘Golden King’

      1. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2018

      1. best yearling all LD races Belgium PIPA Ranking 2018

      4. Nat. Tulle – 5,326 birds

      5. Nat. Limoges – 7,236 birds

      27. Nat. Jarnac – 4,940 birds



Winner of

      1. Nat. acebird long dist. YL KBDB 2017

      9. Nat. acebird allround KBDB 2017

      1. Nat. Zone Jarnac – 1,342 birds / 6. Nat. 5,117 birds

      32. Nat. Limoges – 10,554 birds / 7. prov. 1,993 birds

      Also winner 74.-115.-203. prov. … 536. Nat. Bourges 20,650 birds

Half sister to ‘Lovely Princess’ Menten

      4. Nat. Gueret – 16,262 birds / 3. prov. 1,824 birds

      42. Nat. Chateauroux – 25,710 birds / 13. prov. 2,892 birds

      Also 185.-511.-541. National

Granddaughter to ‘Super Prince’

      2. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2010

      1. prov. Bourges I 2010 – 2,170 birds / 5. Nat. 22,516 birds

      1. prov. Bourges II 2010 – 604 birds / 4. Nat. 10,906 birds

      2. prov. Argenton 2010 – 1,398 birds / 6. Nat. 10,549 birds

      7. prov. Poitiers 2010 – 1,153 birds

      8. prov. Bourges 2009 – 2,286 birds / 12. Nat. 22,499 birds

      Also 32.-52.-86. prov. winner

      Breeder of generations super pigeons

      G.father to 1. Nat. acebird long distance YL KBDB 2014 (‘Golden Prince’)

      G.father to 1. Nat. acebird long distance YL KBDB 2017 (‘Golden Princess’)

      G.father to 3x 1. Nat. & 4x 1. Nat. Zone winners

Granddaughter to ‘Golden Prince’

      1. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2014

      Best long distance racer 3 races of Belgium 2014

      3. Nat. Brive YL – 3,850 birds 2014

      4. Nat. Tulle YL – 5,731 birds 2014

      14. Nat. Limoges YL – 6,907 birds 2014

      Also 134.-214. National Zone

      In local racing 2x 1. prize

2 generations offspring ‘Golden Prince’ wins

      1. Nat. acebird long distance YL KBDB 2017

      1. Nat. acebird great MD old KBDB 2018

      7. Nat. acebird long dist. 2019

      9. Nat. acebird allround KBDB 2017

      9. BE racer long distance 3 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2017 

      1. fastest prov. Fontenay – 15,500 birds

      1. prov. Chateauroux – 5,904 birds

      1. prov. 4,190 & 2. Nat. Argenton -16,496 birds

      1. prov. Chateauroux – 3,608 birds

      1. Nat. Zone Jarnac – 1,342 birds / 6. Nat. 5,117 birds

      1. prov. Clermont – 10,757 birds

      1. Fontenay – 515 birds

      2. Nat. Souillac – 4,056 birds

      4. Nat. Gueret – 5,331 birds

      6. Nat. Libourne – 4,354 birds

      2.-3.-3.-5.-5.-7.-8.-12.-16.-17. prov.


      51.-56.-72.-83.-84.-92. Nat.



Original Gino Clicque

Bred By Gino Clicque
Owned By Dean Pallatt
DNA Certificate http://staging.pallattspigeons.com/test/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/BE19-3129199_dna.jpg


Gender Hen
Eye Colour white
Pigeon Colour Blue
Disciplines Middle / Long Distance
