Golden kim x Katya

'Golden Kim'




HYPER EXCLUSIVE! Son New Kim 1. Nat. Ace KBDB VD Wouwer


Most Expensive youngster ever sold in the world on public action. Father is ‘Golden Prince’, legendary 1. Nat. acebird KBDB & super breeder Mother is ‘New Kim’, the 1. Nat. acebird KBDB at Van De Wouwer - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - -   =================================================================== Full brother to the breeder of       - ‘Diamond Kim’ 032/20             6. Belgian youngster PIPA ranking 4 National races             21. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2020             8. Nat. Zone / 14. Nat. Argenton - 23,286 birds 2020             35. Nat. Chateauroux - 20,789 birds 2020             617. Nat. Bourges – 28,551 birds             796. Nat. Chateauroux – 15,322 birds 2020       - ‘Nestsister Diamond Kim’ 031/20             88. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 5,465 birds 2020                   224. Nat. Chateauroux 15,322 birds             526. Nat. Zone Argenton – 7,393 birds 2020             22. Melun - 1,488 birds 2020 … 71. Melun - 1,781 birds 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - FATHER IS ‘GOLDEN PRINCE’, LEGENDARY RACER & BREEDER OF GINO CLICQUE       Sold on PIPA for 360,000 Euro ‘Golden Prince’ is winner of       1. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2014       Best long distance racer 3 races of Belgium 2014       3. Nat. Brive YL - 3,850 birds 2014       4. Nat. Tulle YL - 5,731 birds 2014       14. Nat. Limoges YL - 6,907 birds 2014       Also 134.-214. National Zone       In local racing 2x 1. prize 2 generations offspring ‘Golden Prince’ wins       1. Nat. acebird long distance YL KBDB 2017 – ‘Golden Princess’       1. Nat. acebird great MD old KBDB 2018 – ‘First Lady’       1. Belgian Souillac racer PIPA Ranking 2019-2020       1. prov. acebird long dist. KBDB 2020       3. Belgian Souillac racer PIPA Ranking 2019-2020       3. Belgian long dist. racer PIPA Ranking 2020       3. prov. acebird long dist. KBDB 2020       6. Belgian YB PIPA Ranking 4 Nat. races – ‘Diamond Kim’ VD Wouwer       6. prov. acebird long dist. KBDB 2020       7. Nat. acebird long dist. KBDB 2019       7. Nat. acebird long dist. KBDB 2020       9. Nat. acebird allround KBDB 2017 – ‘Golden Princess’       9. BE racer long distance 3 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2017        9. prov. acebird KBDB long distance 2020       1. fastest prov. Fontenay - 15,500 birds       1. Nat. Zone Jarnac - 1,342 birds / 6. Nat. 5,117 birds       1. prov. Clermont - 10,757 birds       1. prov. Chateauroux - 5,904 birds       1. prov. 4,190 & 2. Nat. Argenton -16,496 birds       1. prov. Chateauroux – 3,608 birds       1. prov. / 2. Nat. Souillac 7,515 birds       1. Nat. Zone Jarnac - 1,342 birds / 6. Nat. 5,117 birds       1. Blois - 861 birds / 8. prov. 6,042 birds       1. Pontoise - 759 birds       1. Fontenay - 515 birds       2. Nat. Argenton - 16,496 birds       2. Nat. Souillac – 4,056 birds       2. prov. Clermont YL - 8,051 birds       3. prov. Chateauroux - 5,904 birds       3. prov. Argenton - 4,606 birds       3. prov. 3,709 & 8. Nat. Zone Chateauroux       4. Nat. Gueret - 5,331 birds       5. prov. La Souterraine YB - 3,876 birds       6. Nat. Jarnac - 5,117 birds       6. Nat. Libourne – 4,354 birds       6. prov. Chateauroux - 5,555 birds       8. Nat. Souillac - 6,668 birds / 1. – 264 birds       8. Nat. Souillac - 4,056 birds       11. Nat. Tulle - 7,155 birds       12. Nat. Libourne – 4,624 birds       12. Nat. Souillac - 4,056 birds       13. Nat. Tulle - 7,155 birds       13. Nat. Souillac - 4,056 birds       14. Nat. Argenton - 23,286 birds       14. Nat. Bourges - 20,284 birds       14. Nat. Narbonne - 4,454 birds / 21. Int. 12,848 birds       18. Nat. Chateauroux - 8,634 birds       Many more Nat. top 100 & provincial top 50 winner Half brother to ‘Kletskopke’       1. La Souterraine - 430 birds / 3. Nat. Zone 2,877 birds       6. prov. Compiegne - 2,161 birds       18. prov. Chateaudun - 4,003 birds       48. Nat. Zone Gueret - 2,707 birds Bred from son of ‘Super Prince’       2. Nat. acebird great middle distance KBDB 2010       1. prov. Bourges I 2010 - 2,170 birds / 5. Nat. 22,516 birds       1. prov. Bourges II 2010 - 604 birds / 4. Nat. 10,906 birds       2. prov. Argenton 2010 - 1,398 birds / 6. Nat. 10,549 birds       7. prov. Poitiers 2010 - 1,153 birds       8. prov. Bourges 2009 - 2,286 birds / 12. Nat. 22,499 birds       Also 32.-52.-86. prov. winner       Breeder of generations super pigeons       G.father of 1. Nat. acebird long distance YL KBDB 2014 (‘Golden Prince’)       G.father of 1. Nat. acebird long distance YL KBDB 2017 (‘Golden Princess’)       Offspring won at least 4x 1. National Bred from ‘Tina’, sister to ‘Tommy’       32. Nat. Poitiers - 13,813 birds       72. Nat. Chateauroux - 15,902 birds       84. Nat. La Souterraine - 9,548 birds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - MOTHER IS ‘NEW KIM’, THE VAN DE WOUWER TOPPER INBRED TO ‘KIM’ Winner of       1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2018       Sold for record price of 1,6 Million Euro on PIPA       2. Nat. Chateauroux - 17,281 birds 2018       12. Nat. Argenton - 16,496 birds 2018             4. Nat. Zone Argenton – 4,990 birds       21. Nat. Chateauroux - 12,855 birds 2018       52. prov. Blois - 2,923 birds 2018       95. Melun – 973 birds       165. prov. Le Mans - 1,315 birds 2018 G.mother of ‘Diamond Kim’ 032/20       6. Belgian youngster PIPA ranking 4 National races       21. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2020       14. Nat. Argenton - 23,286 birds 2020       35. Nat. Chateauroux - 20,789 birds 2020       617. Nat. Bourges – 28,551 birds 2020       796. Nat. Chateauroux – 15,322 birds 2020 G.mother of ‘Nestsister Diamond Kim’ 031/20       88. Nat. Zone / 224. Nat. Chateauroux 15,322 birds 2020       526. Nat. Zone Argenton – 7,393 birds 2020 Half sister to ‘Palme Kim’ 059/20       1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux - 5,465 birds 2020                5. Nat. Chateauroux - 15,322 birds       96. Nat. Zone Bourges - 9,844 birds 2020             301. Nat. Bourges – 28,551 birds       371. Nat. Zone Argenton - 7,393 birds 2020             890. Nat. Argenton – 23,280 birds Half sister to ‘ New Kim’ 779/15, breeder of       3. prov. / 19. Nat. Zone Gueret – 1,478 birds 2018             129. Nat. Gueret - 5,331 birds       3. prov. Vierzon – 217 birds 2019       6. prov. Issoudun - 1,400 birds 2019       36. Nat. Argenton - 19,592 birds 2016       51. Nat. Argenton - 11,823 birds 2018       60. Nat. Issoudun - 8,248 birds 2019       69. Nat. Argenton - 3,322 birds 2019       81. Nat. Zone Tulle - 1,045 birds 2018       Also 124.-336.-372.-428. National Granddaughter of ‘Marieke’       5. Nat. Limoges YL - 14,211 birds 2010       21. Nat. Zone La Châtre old - 5,452 birds 2011 / 88. Nat. 15,780 birds       26. Nat. Bourges YL - 17,138 birds 2010       35. s-Nat. Vierzon old - 11,062 birds 2011       39. Nat. Zone La Souterraine old - 1,563 birds 2012 / 140. Nat. 4,699 birds       49. Nat. Zone Argenton old - 4,232 birds 2012 / 123. Nat. 12,390 birds       74. prov. Bourges old - 3,184 birds 2012 / 477. Nat. 20,589 birds       84. s-Nat. Vierzon old - 6,257 birds 2012       90. prov. Châteauroux - 1,762 birds / 331. Nat. Zone 5,671 birds       94. prov. / 190. Nat. La Souterraine old - 3,562 birds 2011 Granddaughter of ‘Dina’       3. prov. / 9. Nat. Zone Bourges - 11,739 birds 2010 / 28. Nat. 30,742 birds       24. prov. Guéret - 1,871 birds 2010 / 170. Nat. 13,885 birds       41. prov. Blois - 1,041 birds 2010 ‘Marieke’ & ‘Dina’ are full sisters to the toppers       - ‘Kim’; 1. Nat. Gueret14,245 birds … Super ace ‘Beyers’ Bourges /Argenton             1. young acebird Cureghem Centre … 1. young acebird LCB             38. Nat. Argenton 23,900 birds … 87. Nat. Bourges 37,357 birds             4. prov. Salbris1,080 birds       - ‘Sister Kim’; Winner of 99.-109.-428.-798. provincial       - ‘Montluçon’; 1. prov. Montlucon1,913 birds       - ‘Katrien’; 18. s-Nat. Bourges YL 2,263 birds, 38.-124. prov. & 176.-276. Zone             Mother of ‘Marie’, 10. Nat. Zone / 27. Nat. Châteauroux 19,691 birds             Also winners 32.-43.-124.-151.-225. Nat. Zone / s-Nat.       - ‘Fien’; Winner of 98.-124.-144.-280.-310.-347.-349.-375. Nat. Zone / Nat.       - ‘Silke’; Winner of 34.-51.-51. Nat. Zone & 3x top 250 National ===================================================================   Co-breeding Hok Van De Wouwer with PIPA Elite Center

‘Katya’  Full Sister ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ Willy Daniëls

‘Katya'  Full sisterr ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ Willy Daniëls ‘Nadine’ is winner of       1. Nat. acebird great middle distance YL KBDB 2017       1. best YL racer Belgium on Nat. races 3 & 5 prizes PIPA Ranking 2017       1. I.prov. & 1. fastest Vierzon 13,031 birds       3. Nat. Argenton - 22,712 birds       8. Nat. Chateauroux - 4,389 birds       14. Nat. Zone Chateauroux - 8,584 birds       61. Nat. Zone Argenton - 3,677 birds       67. Nat. La Souterraine - 16,613 birds       Also 120.-207. Nat. winner       Sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever ‘Sara’ is winner of       1. Nat. acebird heavy middle distance KBDB 2016       1. best yearling Belgium on 7 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2016       1. Nat. Zone / 2. Nat. Argenton - 12,449 birds 2016       1. Nat. Zone / 5. Nat. Issoudun - 11,984 birds 2015       28. Nat. Bourges - 19,889 birds 2016       32. Nat. Chateauroux - 18,363 birds 2016       45. Nat. Argenton - 18,363 birds 2016       Also 29.-53. Nat. Zone & 119.-119. National ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ are sister to ‘Aske 2’       1. acebird great middle dist. Union Antwerp 2013 ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ are bred from brother to ‘Nikky’       1. Nat. Chateauroux - 18,604 birds 2015       4. I.prov. Vierzon - 10,480 birds 2014       33. Nat. Bourges - 22,663 birds 2014       51. Nat. Bourges - 15,689 birds 2012       81. Nat. Gueret - 12,592 birds 2013       Also 43.-67.-94.-96.-99. Nat. Zone … also 175.-277.-408.-520.-540.-545. Nat. ‘Nikki’ is full sister to breeder of       - ‘Kaat’ 025/15             1. Nat. Chateauroux YL - 9,540 birds 2016             9. Nat. Argenton YL - 12,449 birds 2016             59. Nat. Chateauroux YB - 10,442 birds 2015             86. Nat. Bourges YL - 19,889 birds 2016             468. Nat. La Souterraine YL - 9,580 birds 2016       - ‘Kayla’ 024/15             2. best yearling Belgium on 7 Nat. races PIPA Ranking 2016             10. Nat. Zone Issoudun - 3,582 birds / 77. Nat. 11,984 birds 2015             45. Nat. Bourges - 19,889 birds 2016             Also 65.-68.-84.-183.-261.-430.-455.-604.-698. Nat. (Zone)       - ‘Sister Kaat’ 105/06             1. Souppes - 1,378 birds             19. Nat. Argenton - 19,592 birds 2016             10. I.prov. Vierzon - 3,108 birds 2016             Also 715.-939. National winner ‘Nikki’ is sister to winner of       1. local Argenton - 133 birds / 2. prov. 1,326 birds / 10. Nat. 13,629 birds       32. Nat. Bourges - 19,736 birds ‘Nadine’ & ‘Sara’ are bred from genes of ‘De Zot’       Winner of 14x 1. prize at De Meyer & Son ===================================================================   100% Willy Daniëls Original Willy Daniëls

Price per youngster On Request
