H/Sister Saar & Roman

H/Sister Saar & Roman


4th Int.Nat. Barcelona 2017 – 17.026 birds (1.258 Km)
182th Nat. St. Vincent 2016
195th NPO Bergerac 2015
214th NPO Limoges 2016
275th Nat. Perpignan 2016

1st Int.Prov. Acebird Marathon 2013
3rd NPO Bergerac 2014
31th NPO Cahors 2010
53th NPO Brive 2011
54th NPO Limoges 2015
63th NPO Montpelier 2011
93th Nat. Marseille 2013
& grandfather
6. Int.Nat. Pau 2016 – 9.932 birds
7. Int.Nat. Pau 2016 – 9.932 birds

6th NPO Orange 2013
8th NPO Cahors 2014
& mother
4th. Int.Nat. Barcelona 2017

= great grand daughter SAFFIER
1st NPO Ruffec 2003 – 3.285 birds

= great grand daughter MISTRAL
5th Nat. Perpignan 2006
8th Nat. Carcasonne 2006

= grand daughter LOUISE
43th NPO Bergerac 2014
57th NPO Brive 2013

An excellent half-sister of SAAR, the phenomen that won the 4th Int.Nat. Barcelona 2017 at one of the most far distances (1258 Km) …… on one of the most heaviest editions ever. This tophen is based on the worldfamous bloodlines ZWART GOUD + SAFFIER + BLAUWE BENNO (Jelle Jellema) & MISTRAL (Hans-Peter Brockamp).

Original: Jelle Jellema

Bred By Jelle Jellema
Owned By Pallatts


Gender Hen
Eye Colour yellow
Pigeon Colour checkered
Disciplines Long distance, Extreme long distance
