Full brother to breeder of ‘Dafne’
3. Nat. Perpignan 2016 as yearling (= 1. yearling)
Clocked 2x in the middle of the night in 2016
Full brother to breeder of 2017 winners of
2. Int. Perpignan 2017 (‘Jill’ Jelle Jellema)
2. Nat. Cahors 2017 (‘Stefanie’ Ultsje Jellema)
47. Nat. Cahors 2017 as yearling (‘Leon’ Ultsje Jellema)
‘New Laureaat’ is winner of
1. Int. Barcelona – 25,382 birds 2013
1. prov. / 8. Nat. Barcelona – 12,281 birds 2011
41. Int. Barcelona – 26,650 birds
323. Nat. Barcelona – 11,590 birds 2012
Winner Golden Wing Barcelona 2013
14. Nat. Barcelona racer PIPA-rankings over 2 years
27. Int. Barcelona racer PIPA-rankings over 2 years
(Raced at Luc Wiels)
‘New Laureaat’ references
No doubles results! Between Nat. & Int. result, the best % was chosen
3. Int. YL extr. LD PIPA Rank. 2017 (Batenburg-VD Merwe) G.ch. ‘New Laureaat’
30. best European YL PIPA Ranking (Batenburg-VVD Merwe) Dght ‘New Laureaat’
1. Nat. Perpignan 2017 (Mark Gilbert) offspring ‘New Laureaat
1. Nat. BICC Poitiers 3,667 birds (J. Chipperfield) g.grandchild ‘New Laureaat’
2. Int. Perpignan 2017 (Jelle Jellema) Grandchild ‘New Laureaat’
2. Nat. Cahors 2017 (Ultsje Jellema) Grandchild ‘New Laureaat’
3. Nat. / 5. Int. Perpignan 12,698 birds 2016 (Jellema) G.child ‘New Laureaat’
8. Int. Narbonne 7,811 birds 2016 (Batenburg-VD Merwe) G.ch. ‘New Laureaat’
9. Nat. NFC Ancenis/Messac 6,904 birds (J. Chipperfield) g.g.ch. ‘New Laureaat’
Also 15.-17.-21.-29.-34.-40.-41.-50.-50.-52.-60.-73.-75.-77.-79.-83.-83.-86.
98.-98.-117.-123.-128.-167.-151.-177.181. (I.)Nat.
7. final race Derby Arona OLR 2016 with g.child ‘New Laureaat’
14. & 53. Car race Derby Arona OLR 2016 with g.children ‘New Laureaat’
14. Qualification 2 Derby Arona OLR 2016 with g.child ‘New Laureaat’
19. Sea Race 3 Derby Arona OLR 2016 with g.child ‘New Laureaat’
41. Int. ace King of the Atlantic Derby Arona OLR 2016 g.child ‘New Laureaat’
‘Kleine Jade’ is winner of
1. Nat. Barcelona – 5,423 birds 2014
1. Int. Barcelona – 20,669 birds 2014
Winning 1. International on the biggest distance ever – 1258 km
32. NPO Brive 2014
Pallatts Pigeons
Unit 3 Magna Road
South Wigston,
Leicester, LE18 4ZH